We recommend to stick to the latest version of the app. Follow the instructions below to set up older versions of the Offline App.

  1. Have the Offline App enabled in your Qualtrics account
    Ask your organisation’s Qualtrics helpdesk to enable the use of the Offline App in your Qualtrics account.
  2. Generate API token
    • Log in to Qualtrics
    • Go to the user icon (right upper corner) > Click Account settings > Qualtrics ID’s > Generate tokenPLEASE NOTE!
      When an API token has already been generated DO NOT generate one again!
  3. Download the Offline App
    The (free) app is available for iPad and Android tablets, iPhone and smartphones using Android 4.0 and newer.

    • On your mobile device go to iTunes App Store or Google Play store and download the app named Qualtrics Surveys
      (not Qualtics XM or Qualtics Labs!).
  4. Configure the app
    • Start the app on your mobile device
    • Tap on the Settings icon (right upper)
      A login screen opens –
    • Double tap on the user icon a few times. More fields will appear.
      Double tap on the user icon until the fields on the image below appear:
    • Please complete the fields as follows:
      • User name: your ULCN username followed by #leidenuniv
        Example: jansenj#leidenuniv
      • Password: leave empty
      • Datacenter URL (optional): leave empty
      • API-token (optional): your obtained API-token.

      The app is now configured and you are logged in.

  5. Future logins
    When starting the app you are logged in automatically.
    Whenever you are being asked to log in again, please log in with your ULCNusername#leidenuniv and the API token.