You might want to analyse your response data using external statistical software, or archive your data as part of your data management. Good news: both surveys and response data can be exported from Qualtrics!

Survey and response data need to be exported or imported separately form each other!

1. Exporting and importing surveys

A survey can be exported from Qualtrics as a .qsf (Qualtrics) or .doc file (Word). A survey can be imported in Qualtrics as a .qsf, .doc or .txt files.

Import & export surveys

Importing in other survey software

If you intend to import a Qualtrics survey to other survey software please explore if this software supports importing external files.

2. Exporting Response Data

Responsedata can be exported in various file formats like .csv, .tsv, .xml, .spss en .pdf. You can use the exported data for further analysis using statistical software, importing daat back into a Qualtrics survey or for archiving purposes.

Export data: overview

Data export formats

Data formatting options

Troubleshooting CSV and TSV data import issues

After importing a csv or tsv file you might see a clutter of data. You need to do some formatting to make the data readable.

Trouble with downloaded csv and tsv files

When this doesn’t not help please try exporting a different data format (tsv when you tried csv, or in reverse).

Remove personal data from Qualtrics

After exporting your data you should remove it from Qualtrics in order to prevent  any possible personal data issues. Data exports should be archived securely at an external location.

Delete data or survey